I've had 10 posts so far, 1 was ultra serious(this is the "depressing" one), 1 was informational, 2 were humorous takes on serious stuff, and 6 were purely entertaining.
So, given the assumption that this blog reflects my life:
10% of my life is me actually taking things seriously,
10% of the time I'm being informational(maybe not a good stat, since I'm still in school),
20% of the time I'm dealing with real stuff with a spin,
60% of the time I'm basically useless for anything besides entertainment.
Now when you consider this very sopisticated statistical analysis, I believe that my life is accurately reflected by this data(R-squared value of .75, anybody???). But, most kidding aside, I figure I do spend more than half of my time, chillaxing(watching TV, movies, internetting, procrastinating, etc.). A small portion of my life revolves around information(when I'm paying attention in class, or watching History Channel). A bigger portion is the time where I take a look at life on the lighter side(theoretically, when procrastiantion is catching up but I still can't stopping watching Whose Line Is It Anyway?). And another small portion is when the rubber hits the road(hard-core studying or life analysis).
All these are all parts of my life, so I will continue to address all these issues, but I can't promise anymore balloon pants events. Consider yourself warned.
Just remember that life is not all ice cream and brownies, even for the best of us(me).
seems like an accurate analysis...