Monday, July 26, 2010

Ready for Liftoff

No cute incident to discuss today, perhaps this is the beginning of a more serious chapter in this blog. This probably won't gain as many readers, but it is definitely better for me, as it gives me something a little more concrete to discuss on a regular basis.

So here we go.

For the first time, this summer I'm not thrilled to return to school in the fall. It's strange, I usually am chomping at the bit to go back, be on my own and see my friends. I figure when the time comes it will be nice but the usual anticipation is surprisingly missing.

I've been doing lots of thinking about why this is, and there doesn't seem to be an easy, simple answer. but I think there are some strong contributors.

First, I'm over this whole school thing.  I've known for a quite of years now that schooling and formal education is not my thing. The main reason I went to college is because it has become the norm, a rite of passage, an expectation; a Masters degree is becoming what the college diploma used to be. I don't want you to get me wrong, I love to learn. That would be learn practical things or about subjects that interest. All things that I can learn independently. I would say at least 75% of the things that I've learned in classes the were not in my major department, I was not interested in.

Second, I've been looking at various aspects pertaining to my future. From budgeting to jobs to housing, I'm doing my due diligence to prepare. I've been working and the money earned is being pulled between my desire to save and cost efficient spending for my future. I'd just assume skip this next year.

Finally, usually about this time I'd be missing my friends a lot, but this time around not so much. It has become pretty evident to me that probabilistically in less than one year most of them will be out of my life for good. I know that is pessimistic seeming, but in reality, though I feel close to my friends, I need to start getting over them. So basically, I am. I haven't seen anyone from not home this summer, and I'm kinda okay with that. Sorry if you are a friend, I'm not dooming you to this fate, just trying to be realistic; I've gotten used to living without you this summer and know it will probably return to this same scenario in 10 months.

Sorry if this was harsh.



  1. Thanks for not including me being down there in this little piece.

    I would have to kill you if you did...

  2. We have missed you even if you haven't missed us. :)
