Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mission Decision

So, I was watching Dinner for Schmucks, reviewed here!, and there was a preview for some new movie, Morning Glory, featuring Harrison Ford, Diane Keaton and Rachel McAdams. It looks mildly entertaining, but one line in the trailer, has given me a new quest. Harrison Ford's character is being obstinant because he refuses to say one word, "fluffy". That line had me cracking up, and I realized all over again that Harrison Ford is my hero. That is why my new quest is:

To see every movie that Harrison Ford has ever been in. Good idea?

That was a rhetorical question, how could that not be a good idea? Harrison Ford has been awesome for so long, since before I was born and he deserves this tribute.

I am afraid, however, that this may open a can of worms, as he is just one of the men I view as "role models". Note: Role model is reflective of the actor's roles. These guys are the ones that if there were an epic battle for survival that I would follow because I would not be able to lose.

They are (probably in order, but subject to change):
Harrison Ford
Peyton Manning
Tom Selleck
George Clooney
John Stamos

How do you get any better than those guys, short answer: you don't. But, I'm afraid that after my Harrison Ford quest is concluded that I may continue down the list. But for now, I will work on tackling (pun completely intended) the first name on that list's filmography.


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